Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

Hi, I'm Krissy and I'm an artist doing some business on the internet.  Here are some policies!


This site allows users to comment on posts. Comments deemed spam by Squarespace will be automatically filtered out and never posted. In reviewing posted comments, if I judge them as spam, defamatory, offensive, obscene, libelous, or infringing on others' intellectual property I will remove them.

Intellectual Property

This site contains intellectual property owned by Krissy Teegerstrom and Featherweight Studio, including copyrights and other intellectual property. If you would like to share photos or text from this site, please use no more than a single paragraph and the accompanying photo and provide a link back to the original post. Any use beyond this is not authorized without our prior written consent. If you would like to obtain consent, please email featherweightstudio AT gmail.com.

Privacy Policy

This site collects information on you in two ways:  (1) The information that you provide by leaving a comment, filling out a contact form, or making a purchase. This information can be tied directly to you because of the information you’ve provided.  (2) The information that’s automatically collected via my Squarespace account, including things like your IP address, location, pages visited, and browser type. Generally my third-party partners only give me this information in the aggregate (e.g. it’s not identifiable to you) but sometimes this information can be directly tied to you (e.g. MailChimp tracks the IP address that you used to confirm your subscription to my newsletter).  Most of this information is only used in the aggregate, to look at page views and traffic, to determine popular content, etc. The information collected will only be shared if I'm required to by law.

For my email list, I use Mailchimp to collect and store email addresses given to me either in person at an event or through the signup form on this website. Regarding cookies, Mailchimp states: "We automatically place single pixel gifs, also known as web beacons, in every email sent by our users. These are tiny graphic files that contain unique identifiers that enable us and our users to recognize when their subscribers have opened an email or clicked certain links. These technologies record each subscribers email address, IP address, date, and time associated with each open and click for a campaign. We use this data to create reports for our users about how an email campaign performed and what actions subscribers took."

You can opt out of my email newsletter at any time via the link in the bottom of each email.


Featherweight Studio offers physical and digital products for sale on this site using Squarespace. I utilize Stripe via Squarespace to securely process payment, and I never learn or store your credit card information. Squarespace/Stripe share your name, address, & email with me to process your order. 

If you have any questions about these terms of service or the included privacy policy, please email featherweightstudio AT gmail.com